There’s no question that Christ loves and honors his mother. But look at Mark 3:31-35. When people told him his mother and brothers were waiting outside, he did not get up and run to them. Instead, he responded that his mother and brothers were there in the circle and said that whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother. My other relationships cannot interfere with the immediate relationships I have with people I am with right now. That doesn’t mean not to love and honor the other people in my life – simply that we all must understand we can’t expect others to put us in an extremely high position when we really must love everyone as family.
Yesterday I met one of my girls for lunch and I turned my phone on silent. I probably had the best conversation I’ve ever had with her for two completely dedicated hours. Then I went for a walk with another one of my girls, and again, had an amazing Christ-centered conversation. My phone was off the entire time. Other than me being cold and having a runny nose, nothing distracted me from focusing on her. After that I talked with a third girl on the phone for about forty-five minutes. Again, a focused conversation.
I’ve realized lately that my obsessive availability is a big mistake. First, it allows people to talk to me instead of going straight to God. Not that there’s anything special about me. It’s just easier to talk to someone who audibly responds. But we need to help each other to go straight to God. Yes, go to each other for encouragement and guidance and to be humble and let others be Christ to us, but we have to take our problems and stresses to God’s altar. No middle man. Second, my availability to everyone interferes with me being fully present with whoever I’m with – be it personal time with God, a youth group kid, a friend, the work I’m doing… it’s just not a good thing.
How much have I not been fully present, fully vulnerable, fully willing to sacrifice, fully desiring of God? Sister Therese Marie gave an amazing talk this past weekend on growth in Christ and I think it changed my life. God comes to us so completely. He wants nothing more than to be united with us, so much that he constantly makes himself available, is completely vulnerable and sacrifices everything for us. And what do we bring back? I know I certainly fall far short of returning the love and being in a complete relationship with him. So duh I struggle to know my vocation and be at complete peace, let alone pass that on to youth.
Our sermon yesterday was on worship... and how it's not just coming to church in hopes of getting some kind of spiritual uplifting through worship. worship is the coming and reflecting on knowing God and meditating on the time you spent with him the past week. Just becaus you feel something stir when you "worship" on sundays doesn't mean you're right with God. Worship has become a selfish thing... a way for people to feel better about how they've abandoned God the rest of the week.
It was interesting in the sense that "how much do you actually know God... do you give him your undivided attention when you spend time with him. and is your time quality time"
So I think they tie a little into each other... because we can say we'd leave everything to follow Christ if he came to our door, but if we dont spend that quality time knowing him, then would we even recognize him if he came knocking?
Dude, that really made me think more. Especially about would we even recognize Christ. He tells us multiple times what we do for the least of these we do for Him. But do we do it? Do we see Christ?
Have you heard the story about the flu that spreads through the world, and they need someone w/ pure blood to make an antidode?
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