Monday, March 10, 2008

Sometimes you just can't win...

Sometimes everyone wants a different little piece of you. They want you avaliable all the time, but they want you to take a break and relax and be normal. They want you to stop answering your phone obsessively...unless it's for them. They want you to be around, but then get vexed by your presence. They want you to be yourself, but really they want yourself to be a discipled version of themselves...or do they? They want you to respect the fact that they quite openly loathe phone conversations, but get irrated when you don't call. Or when you do.

I've been getting on a lot of peoples nerves lately. I've stopped listening to all the junk people fill the air with and I've stopped being phased by drama. And it irritates people. I love everyone, but I try to only confide in the solid Christians in my life. I turn my phone on silent when I'm spending quality time with someone, especially when that someone is Jesus.

The simple fact is, you can't win. You can never please really can't even please yourself. When it comes down to the line, there's only one person to whom you report. All the law of the prohets can be condensed in two decidedly simple concepts - love the Lord, your God, above all else, and love your neighbor as yourself. We love, first and foremost, because of God. If we just stay focused on loving Christ, and loving others because of Christ, then we'll be straight and stay on the narrow road. What's so complicated??

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